Micro-mobility data to make future spaces, better.
Auckland CBD
Queen Street / Customs Street
Decarbonizing the transport network to meet global emissions targets, the quest for more livable cities, and the pursuit of better health outcomes are driving rapid adoption and promotion of active transportation such as walking, cycling, and micro-mobility devices.
This means we have twenty-five years in business, delivering world-leading innovative computer vision and data analytics products to global Blue Chip, Enterprise, and Public Sector Organisations.
Countculture uses world-leading technology to monitor how people and vehicles flow through zones and environments, with a minimum of 98% accuracy. So, when we’re asked questions like ‘how many, what type, what speed, who are they and where are they going?’ we’re able to supply data with all the answers. This means we can help businesses, councils, governments with the next big how: how to make spaces better, and futures brighter. With Countculture and accurate count data, it’s easy to see the bigger picture.
Our technology counts and analyzes the movement of people, vehicles, and objects, indoors and out. Using data, we make spaces that work. For everyone.
Helping to create successful, vibrant cities where people, businesses and communities thrive.
Providing insights into customer behaviour, resource requirements, and individual tenancy performance.
Improving shopper satisfaction and maximising conversion rates with precise insights into physical environments.
Countculture helps create successful, vibrant cities where people, businesses and communities thrive. How do you measure the success of a city? By how many people are spending time there. That’s because we set such high standards for our data collection. Councils, governments, events and businesses are set up for success because they know where and when people come in, enabling them to predict and adapt for visitation rates.
Enable the local business economy by unlocking investment opportunities backed by data.
Unlock visitation trends, and traffic insights.
Predict visitation via Countcultures traffic forecaster.
Find relationships between data weather, traffic, local transaction spend through the Count View Platform.
26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work on the footpath
26th July_8-9am: 62 people cycled 31 people scootered to work
Helping to create successful, vibrant cities where people, businesses and communities thrive.
Current Cycleway Usage:
113 Total journeys by cycle Light Rain_16°Celcius
We're helping cities promote walking and cycling through precise micro-mobility monitoring campaigns
Countculture’s system is designed to maximise that space and get it working hard for you. Gain powerful insights into shoppers’ behaviour, resource requirements, and performance of your tenants.
Countculture’s commitment to a minimum of 98% accuracy means not only understanding how many people are going in and out, but also who they are (gender and age), and where they went.
Accurate People Counting
Anonymous Demographics and Visitor Insights
Comprehensive Customer Journey Insights
Analytics for Quick Service Restaurants
Queuing Optimisation
Advanced Analytics for Event-Based and Custom Reporting
Countculture enables shopping centres to gain powerful insights into shopping behaviour, resource requirements, and individual tenancy performance.
Our minimum standard of 98% accuracy is the difference between ‘I had a good night’ and ‘I had a great night’, allowing management to minimize queueing, establish smart capacity limits, and identify the parts of the floor people interact with most.
While other systems run into issues with multiple counts, our commitment to accuracy ensures we’re not just counting who goes in and out, but we’re accounting for people who might be moving around entrances more frequently, like security guards. There’s no need to guess with Countculture.
Accurate People Counting
Anonymous Demographics, and visitor insights
Customer Journeys
Queuing Optimization
Game Table Alerting
Deep Analytics for Event-Based and Custom Reporting
Identify hot and cold spots on the floor
We have casino specific enhancements. Understand how customers interact with tables, time spent at machines, and identify hot and cold parts of the floor.
Digital stores have blown bricks and mortar out of the water when it comes to knowing your conversion rates, visitor numbers, and other vital pieces of information. What if you could have that kind of precision in the real world? And what if that system could also sort out efficient staff rostering and floor management too? Countculture can help with that.
Accurate People Counting
Sales Converstion & Staff- To-Customer Analytics
Department Staff Optimization
POS, & Retail System Integrations
Sales Staff Performance Vs KPI's Analytics
We’re helping to improve shopper satisfaction and maximise conversion rates with precise insights into your physical store environment.