Twenty-five years in business, delivering world-leading innovative computer vision and data analytics products to global Blue Chip, Enterprise, and Public
Sector Organisations.

We’ve been in the game
since 1998.
Tania M, Heart of the City 

People counting seems like pretty futuristic stuff, but we’ve actually been in the game since 1998. Back then, we were called Reveal, and we developed one of the world’s first computer vision people counting systems. We’ve been growing and innovating ever since.

It all started with curiosity. One question: ‘how many?’ But as time passed, we realised ‘how many’ was just the start. More questions developed, like, ‘why is that?’ ’Can we fix this?’ ‘Who’s using this?’ ‘Is this safe?’ And, finally, ‘How can we make this space better?’ Our curiosity grew, and our technology grew with it.

Countculture uses world-leading technology to monitor how people and micro-mobility transport flows through  environments, with a minimum of 98% accuracy. So, when we’re asked ‘how many?’ we’re able to give a precise answer. And, from there, we can help businesses, councils, and governments with the next how: how to make spaces better, and futures brighter. How to support capital infrastructure projects and operational programmes to support pedestrian and cyclist growth. With Countculture, it’s easy to see the bigger picture.

Queen Street / Customs Street

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_

We are obsessed by
accuracy, it’s our heritage
and our brand DNA.
Tania M, Heart of the City 

Our highly passionate team is constantly focused on finding new ways to achieve the highest levels of accuracy in our data. We do this because measuring the impact of investments in active transportation assists in telling a story of success and helps identify factors that will influence pedestrian and cycle use. Accurate data collection is a key to help in the pursuit of funding applications and the support of sustained development of capital and operational programmes to support pedestrian and cycle growth. 

Real-time accurate data collection can give you the information you need to get the most out of your active transport or micro mobility monitoring project.

Queen Street / Customs Street

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_

Queen Street / Customs Street

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_



Find out more
Our systems do not collect
or obtain any personal identifiable data.
Tania M, Heart of the City 

Countculture specializes in counting and journeys, not surveillance. Our systems do not collect or obtain any personal identifiable data.

We obtain data by using overhead video cameras, but the video that’s streamed into our system is only used to translate what it’s seeing into data points – for example, if you walk under a camera, you’ll be classified as a pedestrian. If you’re on a bike, the system will note you as a cyclist, and so on. The video is deleted after the count is made.

So, we know it feels a bit weird, but rest assured that your fifteen seconds of fame will have to come from elsewhere. The system’s designed to respect your privacy while allowing organizations such as shopping centres, quick services restaurants, retailers, or governments to make informed decisions and create people-friendly spaces that allow our communities to thrive.

Queen Street / Customs Street

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_

26th July_8-9am: 616 people walked to work_93 people cycled / scootered to work_